2 FREE Training Seminars

Coaching – 5 STEP create your Internet DEBUT

Send an e-mail with subject : “5 STEPS internet presence” to ramonasz@places4us.com and describe why would you be the perfect candidate for this FREE seminar.
Submission cutoff date May 15th, 2013.

Seminar to be scheduled end of May 2013 online (date and time to be determined)seminar


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YOU can launch your business into success.

The lucky winners to be featured on Facebook.com/SOHOConsulting and www.places4us.com web site and blog.

The small business owner’s benefit is to familiarize with the internet and get valuable info regarding how it operates, what can be achieved and most importantly how valuable and affordable online marketing is when budgets are low and no outsourcing is possible.
At the end of session, the small business owner has a working online web presence, an SEO; SES, subscription form, lead generation capabilities and a social media tool to market the product or service.

To access the seminar you will need an Internet connection and a basic understanding on how the computer works, able to follow easy step by step instructions.

Regular training seminar packaged prices start at $ 325.00